港澳國際交流基金會 x 麻省理工香港創新中心聯合主辦 - 可持續未來設計工作坊 - 從環境、社會和政策角度出發,以可持續未來為主題,介紹設計思維,鼓勵創新及具創意的構思,解決社會問題。 對象﹕現正就讀中三及中四的學生 費用﹕免費 , 額滿即止 教學語言﹕粵語輔以英語 活動場地﹕九龍塘達之路生產力局一樓麻省理工香港創新中心

Time & Location
17 Aug 2022, 9:00 am – 18 Aug 2022, 5:00 pm
1st Floor, 78 Tat Chee Ave, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
About the event
A collaboration with MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node, this two-day business and sustainability workshop introduced the concepts of environment, sustainability, and governance and circular thinking to a group of 40 secondary 4 & 5 students. HKMIEF members Norman Chan (Head of Engineering, Alqua Technologies), Doris Leung (CEO Diamond Cab) and Christina Fung (Senior Marketing Manager , InspiringHK Sports Foundation) shared their challenges in their business and industry with the students who were then asked to develop solutions to real-world business problems using sustainable methods.